Why AI?
Integration of AI to existing business processesEFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY
Produce professional quality documents and presentations efficiently without support from others
Use formulas and functions to efficiently and effectively carry out complex Tasks
Enable integration of AI to existing business processes
Make the best use of their time and get the most out of their AI products
Track Different 4th generation technology quickly and easily
Access different AI information , information and entertainment
Attain qualificationsFACILITATE LEARNING
Attain qualifications at their own pace through distance learning, even when in full-time employment
Access online and multimedia learning tools
Participate in online special interest learning groups
Collaborative projectsENHANCE COMMUNICATION
Use AI technology
Produce Future Tools and presentations that look more professional
Use shared Technology for collaborative projects
Less time and moneySAVE TIME AND MONEY
Ensure less time and money is spent on AI support to resolve simple AI challenges: both AI helpdesk and other colleagues’ time
Ideation and innovationJOB SATISFACTION
Produce better Ideation and innovation
Complete more tasks to a higher standard, thus improving output
Employees spend less time on mundane tasks
IAIDL Accreditation
Initial Application Process
Please see below for all of the steps involved in completing the initial application process. You may begin these steps at any time by clicking on the link above.
IAIDL or one of its regional distributors works in collaboration with applicant institutions toward meeting IAIDL standards and attaining an initial accreditation status. There is no pre-candidacy or candidacy status with IAIDL. The entire process may take from 1 to 2 months, depending upon the ability of the institution to demonstrate its compliance with IAIDL standards.
Application Stage
At the application stage, an applicant centre
must submit these forms:
– IAIDL application form
– Organization profile, detailing information on organization
– An accredited tester application form for each staff member who will be running IAIDL examinations
– Copy of organization registration documents
– Copy of organization exam policy & QMS

Review Stage
Applications are reviewed within 14 working days from receipt of complete documents. If amendments are required, documents must be updated re-submitted for final review.
AI LAB Approval
Approved center should submit photos of its AI Lab and its individual equipments.
Equipments should include but not limited to:
– Open Source Robot
– VR Tool
– Unity Software
– 1 Drone
– 3D Printer
– Sample of IoT Tools
* Tools can be substituted with a proven rental contract

Accreditation Stage
At this stage, an applicant centre will receive a notice stating either approval or rejection of application. An approved centre will receive non-negotiable legal contract within 14 working days. The applicant centre must respond with signed contract within one month from receipt of soft copy agreement
Final Step
Upon receipt of signed contract and payment of the annual accreditation fee, the new will receive an IAIDLs operations manual and login details to automated testing system (IAIDLs). IAIDL will then arrange an online training session with the new IAIDLs.
Training will include:
– Ordering and payment process
– Using the online testing system
– Certification process
– Any other clarifications on delivering IAIDL programme